The Breast Cancer Podcast
From Surgery to Survivorship, Dr. Deepa Halaharvi discuss cancer topics that affect breast cancer patient and survivors. They provide clarity on a cancer diagnosis and provide insight into the struggles of survivorship. Their goal is to provide a supportive and informative platform for breast cancer survivors. This podcast offers insights and resources that will help survivors navigate the challenges of post-treatment survivorship.
This podcast does not intended for medical advice. Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions regarding your diagnosis.
The Breast Cancer Podcast
Do you understand your Breast Pathology?
Pathologists are our daily unsung heroes who work secretly behind the scenes – they are also called- “Doctors doctor”.
Your treatment regimen is based on your pathology results. I am so honored to interview, an incredible pathologist in Columbus, OH, Dr. Syed Mohsin. He answers the following questions.
- What does a breast pathologist do?
- Why does it take a couple of days to get the pathology results?
- How can you tell a difference between cancer and benign under microscope?
- What is cancer anyway?
- Pl explain the difference between invasive cancer vs. non-invasive cancer.
- What is the difference between grade and stage?
- What does receptor status mean? ER, PR, Her- 2 neu?
- When a surgeon removes lymph nodes, what does it mean when it says ITCs, micrometastasis and macrometastasis?
- What is the difference between atypia (like ADH) vs. DCIS, similarly ALH vs. LCIS?
- My surgeon keeps talking about margins, what does that mean and how important is that?
- What is the difference between lobular and ductal breast cancer under a microscope?
- What is Ki- 67?
Stay Connected with Dr. Deepa Halaharvi:
TikTok: @breastdoctor
Instagram: @drdhalaharvi
TBCP Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcast
Website: https://drdeepahalaharvi.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@deepahalaharvi5917
Instagram: @thebreastcancerpodcast